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Traditional Fertilizers is the range of products of ACCURATE TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS that brings together the traditional fertilizers of the highest quality that have taken the brand to the position of reputation and prestige it occupies today.


All fertilizers are manufactured with the purest and most soluble raw materials and using the latest industrial processes.


With these fertilization solutions, ACCURATE TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS makes available to the farmer, products for all types of crops, whatever the climatic and soil conditions in which they develop.


On the other hand, work is also being done to provide agricultural products, through the most appropriate fertilization, with the necessary quality taking into account their subsequent use as food, to be transformed by industry, to obtain energy or fibers.


This information of fertilizers for direct application to the soil contains simple nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers, which have been defined and adapted to the different conditions and crops implanted in our territory and to the current demands of agriculture and the environment.


The fertilizers we offer are from our supplier in Europe with a high standard of quality and performance.


It is used in many countries including Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Nicaragua.


We provide a stable supply of products as we work directly with European manufacturers and suppliers of which we are the exclusive Representatives and sellers for Central America, including Mexico, the Republic of Panama and South America.


We guarantee the quality of our products since before each delivery a complete certified laboratory analysis is carried out.

Crops have nutritional needs that vary throughout their development and that at certain times are especially intense.


Even in soils of medium fertility, nutrients are not assimilable in the necessary quantities and must be provided through fertilization.


In order for the crop to have the nutrients, main, secondary and micronutrients that guarantee its correct development, simple and complex fertilizers containing them must be applied, in the right dose, time and place.


For this it is necessary to take into consideration, at each stage of the development of the plant: The specific levels of nutrients contained in the soil.


The nutritional needs demanded by the plant. The practice and agronomic results obtained in many tests, advise the application of nutrients in at least two stages, always depending on their composition and their solubilization curve in the implanted medium:





Prior to planting, it is necessary to adjust the levels of nutrients contained in the soil, providing elements that may be deficient, such as phosphorus and potassium, and covering the nitrogen needs that the crop may demand during its early stages.


In addition, phosphorus must always be provided before planting in soils poor in this element, because the crop in its early stages of development is especially sensitive to its lack, being able to originate plants with poor rooting and stunted development.


For this reason, fertilization during the seeding phase is usually done by applying NPK complex fertilizers.


These fertilizers make it possible to balance and correct the soil content in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and other macro and micronutrients, and to maximize their effects thanks to synergies through the joint application of nutrients.




After the germination and nascence phases of the crop, the nitrogen contributed to the soil through the seedbed fertilizer has been transformed into nitrate and has been practically absorbed in its entirety by the plant.


That is why it is recommended, during the godson or beginning of the canning, to make at least one new contribution of nitrogen fertilizers that allow to optimize the efficiency of this nutrient and provide the plant with sufficient nitrogen until the end of the cycle.


For this reason, fertilization during the seeding phase is usually done by applying NPK complex fertilizers.


These fertilizers make it possible to balance and correct the soil content in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and other macro and micronutrients, and to maximize their effects thanks to synergies through the joint application of nutrients.



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